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Carrfields Contracting
Carrfields Contracting - Carrfields - Your trusted partner




Hemp fibre harvesting
Straw baling
Mushroom substrate

Mushroom substrate supply, delivery and spreading

Click here for more information.



our history

Carrfields Contracting is part of the Carrfields group of companies. Carrfields Contracting (previously Winslow Contracting) was the original Carr Group business which Greg and Glenys Carr started in the 1970s as a supplement to their farming business. Starting with one tractor and baler Greg took on a baling run servicing farms in the Mid Canterbury foothills with hay and straw baling provisions. As farming became more intensive in Mid Canterbury in the years that followed, the need for farm contracting services grew and Carr Contracting expanded rapidly to deliver baling and transport services all over the Mid Canterbury region.

Today we continue to offer our clients a high quality contracting service and we pride ourselves on delivering prompt and efficient services to all our clients.


Contact OUR team


Carrfields Contracting
PO BOX PO Box 19, Ashburton 7740
PHONE 03 307 6014


PHONE 027 202 6110


LOUISE OPELE Admin & Customer Service
PHONE 027 380 7679


your future at Carrfields


Carrfields is an iconic rural services company operating throughout New Zealand. With trading relationships and operations across the globe, we provide improved access to the most relevant products and services for New Zealand’s cropping, dairy, horticulture, and pastoral farmers.
We are always interested in hearing from people who want to explore new opportunities with Carrfields Contracting.



Carrfields Contracting - Carrfields - Your trusted partner