NULL AuctionsPlus - Carrfields - Bringing new innovation to auctions

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Carrfields Livestock and AuctionsPlus have partnered to bring to you the option to buy and sell your stock online with live audio and video.

AuctionsPlus is Australia’s most trusted online livestock marketplace, having been established over 30 years ago. Connecting and empowering buyers and sellers nationally through simple technology. AuctionsPlus now run regular online only sales each week and interface sales with both video and audio streaming – giving farmers the flexibility to operate from wherever they are.

Carrfields Livestock have been working with AuctionsPlus over the past few months to bring you this new option to sell your livestock via this live, online auction facility. Please take the time to register for AuctionsPlus in advance of the auction so you can familiarise yourself with the website.



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contact our team

Please fill in our contact form below to ask any questions that you might have, or to learn more about this facility. Alternatively, you can contact any one of our key contacts for further information.

AuctionsPlus Contact Form

OUR Livestock key Contacts

george wilson Business Development Manager
MOBILE +64 27 807 9886


craig thomas Operations Manager
MOBILE +64 21 650 802


Ryan carr Executive Director
MOBILE +64 27 432 4022

0800 223 070