NULL Carrfields Livestock are now an accredited agency to buy and sell livestock through bidr. - Carrfields - Your trusted partner Carrfields - Your trusted partner

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Carrfields Carrfields Livestock are now an accredited agency to buy and sell livestock through bidr. - Carrfields - Your trusted partner Carrfields - Your trusted partner
Apr 2020
Carrfields Livestock are now an accredited agency to buy and sell livestock through bidr.

At Carrfields Livestock, our number one priority is the health and wellbeing of our staff, customers, suppliers, and families. We are operating as an essential service to provide you with the livestock requirements you have during this time.

We are currently operating in unique circumstance with the temporary closure of saleyards and the suspension of all on-farm auctions.  To enable us to continue to provide you with the highest level of service during these times, we are pleased to advise that we are now an accredited agency to buy and sell livestock through bidr. Bidr is New Zealand’s most innovative online rural trading platform, providing a virtual saleyard environment. This means that as well as continuing to provide our normal sales of livestock directly between farmers that we can also provide on line auction selling and purchasing options whilst the Covid-19 restrictions are in place.

For Dairy farmers the also has full details of the dairy livestock that are available for purchase across our nationwide network.

We will of course comply with MPI requirements and have communicated with all of our agents what is required to operate and the steps that should be taken to minimise the chances of Covid19 infection and transfer. This is a very stringent process and will be audited by MPI to ensure that the processes we have detailed are being adhered to. The transport and logistics industries have also been deemed an “essential service” and are continuing to operate, ensuring that livestock can continue to be collected and delivered.

Please contact your Carrfields Livestock agent to discuss your livestock requirements and they will work to ensure that your needs are met.

To contact your Carrfields Livestock agent, please visit:

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